Skiing weekend in the COLD with the family. Enter Darth Vader.

Seeing sunny warmer days in Boston...

Our trip to Arizona was SO much fun and we spent the last day looking at this view...(more pics in next post!)
Running the O'Hartford 5K with my whole family...great experience!
And a whirlwind trip to Virginia for a conference for Hubs and a visit to our Alma Mater, William & Mary! Here's a pic inside one of our favorites there, Paul's Deli....

Other than that, we have been looking at places to buy for our first home. Overall I am a positive person but I have to say so far this process has been no fun and frustrating. We are looking at many surrounding towns and trying to keep an open mind, but we just haven't seen anything that will work for us yet. We also are struggling with picking the right area to make our next move. I know you all are from all parts of the country and many of you might have tips or stories about buying your first home and I would LOVE to hear them. How did you pick where you would move? How long did you look for a place? Please chime in!